New Seller Information

This information is required before products can be added to the database for purchase order creation. Please fill out our online form or download and fill out the printable version.

General Information


Payment Address (where payments are to be sent)

Primary Corporate Address

Customer Service Address (for assistance with orders or payments)

Website Contact Address (will be published on website for customers to use)

Lead Time

Does your company allow EDI orders?

If so please provide the contact person for setting up parameters

Which Accounting/Inventory system does your company use?

What is the best way to send you your orders? (not including above EDI)

Freight Policy

Purchasing Contacts (persons responsible for maintaining account relationship)

Sales Rep


District or Regional Manager (where applicable)


Inside Rep (where applicable)

Please make sure these are all outlined and communicated in excel spreadsheet format

Manufacturer Information

Please include a brief description of the Manufacturer. This information will appear with every item on the manufacturer info tab. This description should be a short biography of the company, their history, mission, focus and beliefs. If it is published on their website, indicate the address to find this info

Printable Version

If you would rather print and fill out this contract please click here for printable version.

After completing the contract, please email to or mail to:

WON Marketplace
5550 W. Executive Dr. Suite 240
Tampa, Florida 33609

Need Help?

Contact WON Marketplace