Dr. Tungs Ionic Toothbrush System – 1 Toothbrush


“Dr. Tung’s IONIC toothbrush may be the most advanced toothbrush in the world!

Unlike regular toothbrushes which try to force plaque off the teeth by friction, the IONIC brush makes the teeth let go of plaque, like turning off a magnet!

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“Dr. Tung’s IONIC toothbrush may be the most advanced toothbrush in the world!

Unlike regular toothbrushes which try to force plaque off the teeth by friction, the IONIC brush makes the teeth let go of plaque, like turning off a magnet!

Plaque gets released even in hard to reach areas! It is clinically proven to be far more effective than a regular toothbrush and users report cleaner, whiter teeth and little or no plaque when visiting their dentist! It really works!

Actually, the whole object of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque, right? But a recent independent report showed that ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES, including SONICARE and ORAL-B, do not remove significantly more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush! Yet the Ionic toothbrush has been clinically shown to remove up to 48% more plaque than a manual brush! “


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