Lactation Formula — 100 CAP


Dr Christopher’s formulas have the most extensive herbal lines to aid your body in retaining or regaining its health through these natural remedies that focus on the cause of the disorder rather than just the symptoms.

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SKU: VP0103-01801 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Fenugreek SeedIt is wrapped in cloth, warmed and applied directly to the skin to treat local pain and swelling, muscle pain, pain and swelling of lymph nodes, pain in the toes, wounds, leg ulcers, and eczema.
Wildcrafted Fennel SeedFennel is used for various digestive problems including heartburn, intestinal gas,bloating, loss of appetite, and colic in infants. It is also used for upper respiratory tract infections, coughs, bronchitis, cholera, backache, bedwetting, and visual problems.
Anise SeedThere are chemicals in anise that may have estrogen-like effects. Chemicals in anise may also act as insecticides.
Blessed Thistle HerbBlessed thistle contains tannins which might help diarrhea, coughs, and inflammation. However, there isn’t enough information to know how well blessed thistle might work for many of its uses.
Marshmallow RootMagnesium is an element your body needs to function normally. Magnesium oxide may be used for different reasons. Some people use it as an antacid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion. Magnesium oxide also may be used as a laxative for short-term, rapid emptying of the bowel (before surgery, for example). It should not be used repeatedly. Magnesium oxide also is used as a dietary supplement when the amount of magnesium in the diet is not enough. Magnesium oxide is available without a prescription.
Dandelion LeafDandelion is used for loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production and as a laxative to increase bowel movements. It is also used as skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic.
Nettle LeafStinging nettle contains ingredients that might decrease inflammation and increase urine output.
Hops FlowerHops is sometimes applied to the skin for leg ulcers and as an antibacterial agent.
Chaste Tree BerryVitex agnus-castus seems to affect many hormones that regulate women’s reproductive cycles.
Mullein LeafMullein leaf has long been used as an expectorant for treating respiratory congestion because it promotes the ejection of mucus, from the lungs.
AlfalfaAlfalfa is used for kidney conditions, bladder and prostate conditions, and to increase urine flow. It is also used for high cholesterol, asthma, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, upset stomach, and a bleeding disorder called thrombocytopenic purpura.
BarleyBarley is used for lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, and for promoting weight loss. It is also used for digestive complaints including diarrhea, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel conditions.
Non-Hybrid Wheat GrassWheatgrass, a herb that is known for various health benefits, is prepared from the cotyledons of the wheat plant, which are biologically known as Triticum aestivum.

Based on three vital processes; cleanse, nourish, and heal; Dr Christopher’s formulas have the most extensive herbal lines to aid your body in retaining or regaining its health through these natural remedies that focus on the cause of the disorder rather than just the symptoms.


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