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Acne Clear — 2 OZ


For fast relief of acne, oily skin, blackheads, pimples, earthy complexion, unhealthy skin associated with, adolescence, menstruation, menopause, middle-age.

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SKU: VP0103-03947 Categories: , , Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Antimonium TartaricumHelps with respiratory ailments, for coughs or rattle in the chest. Other uses include help with bringing up mucus, short of breath, suffocating. Helpful for chest and lung symptoms.
Asterias RubensMost famous for acne treatment, but also for flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with red face. Lancinating pains. Nervous disturbances, neuralgia, chorea, and hysteria come within the range of this remedy. Has been used for cancer of the breast, and has an unquestioned influence over cancer disease.
Kali BromatumKali bichromium is a bright orange, caustic, corrosive compound used in the manufacture of dye, photography, and batteries. It is also used as a homeopathic remedy.
Ferrum MetallicumFerrum metallicum is a homeopathic physician’s treatment of choice for anemia, rheumatism, headache, and other conditions.
Hepar Sulphuris CalcareumHepar sulphuris calcareum is a homeopathic medicine that helps with painful and hoarse dry cough worsened by cold weather. Hepar sulphuris calcareum is primarily used to treat infections of different types
Natrum MuriaticumUsed for a number of health conditions, especially those related to emotional disorders. When sodium chloride completely dissolves in the boiling water, the resultant solution is strained and subsequently evaporated to obtain crystals of the salt. These crystals are diluted in water to the desired potency level or strength to obtain the medication Nat. mur
Sanguinaria CanadensisBloodroot was used historically by Native Americans for curative properties as an emetic, respiratory aid, and other treatments
Selenium MetallicumUsed for male infertility, skin disorders and inflammations (throat).
SepiaThe homeopathic remedy sepia is useful in treating a number of skin disorders.
SiliceaThere are several uses for silicea in homeopathy practices, including treating conditions that progressively worsen, seasonal problems, and personality or behavior issues such as indecisiveness or a general lack of direction. Silicea is commonly prescribed if a patient shows symptoms of a pale complexion, fatigue, anxiety issues, or a fear of failure. It is derived from flint or quartz, and many homeopaths believe it imparts those grounding properties to the patient as well as aids in strengthening the body and the mind.
SulphurUsed for acne
Thuja OccidentalisUsed for skin diseases

For fast relief of acne, oily skin, blackheads, pimples, earthy complexion, unhealthy skin associated with, adolescence, menstruation, menopause, middle age. Safe and natural homeopathic formulas. No alcohol, dairy, glutens, sugar or yeast. Taste free, odor free, pure water base.

Safe and natural homeopathic formulas
No alcohol, dairy, glutens, sugar or yeast
Taste free, odor free, pure water base
No known negative side effects or drug interactions
USA based manufacturer and powerful triple potency strength physician tested formulas


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