Arnica + Tablets — 100 TAB


BHI/Heel Arnica PC is a homeopathic medication for the temporary relief of muscle injury, mental stress or shock, and general exhaustion. Arnica PC is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.

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SKU: VP0103-01074 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

LactoseLactose intolerance is a common medical condition that results in diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas (flatulence) and is caused by reduced or absent activity of enzyme lactase. When there is a deficiency of lactase, the lactose in the intestine cannot be split for digestion.
Arnica MontanaArnica is applied to the skin for pain and swelling associated with bruises, aches, sprains, and arthritis. It is also applied to the skin for insect bites, muscle and cartilage pain, chapped lips, and acne.
Magnesium StearateMagnesium stearate is often used as an anti-adherent in the manufacture of medical tablets, capsules and powders.

BHI/Heel Arnica PC is a homeopathic medication for the temporary relief of muscle injury, mental stress or shock, and general exhaustion. Arnica PC is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.

Arnica montana has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s and remains popular today. Applied topically as a cream, ointment, liniment, salve, or tincture, Europeans and Native Americans have used arnica to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. It is often the first remedy used for injuries such as sprains and bruises. Arnica in herbal form is primarily restricted to topical (external) use because it can cause serious side effects when taken internally. Arnica is often used in homeopathy, and should be taken internally only in the extremely diluted form common to homeopathic remedies. If you have any question about whether you have the herbal or homeopathic form of arnica, talk to your doctor before taking it.

The human body is one of nature’s works of art. When it is healthy, it is perfectly in tune with itself and the environment. But sometimes that balance is disturbed and people become ill. That is where BHI/Heel comes in. Their medications gently promote the body’s processes of self-healing, helping it combat illness and recover its biological balance.

Homeopathic combination medications are made of several different natural substances are easy to use fulfill high quality standards. But what exactly are homeopathic combination medications? In classical homeopathy, a single medication is prescribed based on the patient’s physical and mental symptoms. BHI/Heel approaches homeopathy in a new way.

These combination medications are made up of several different natural substances, mostly homeopathically prepared. These have been carefully chosen and blended to stimulate various biological functions. They are then used, just like conventional medications are, to treat one particular condition like the common cold or dizziness.


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