Relieves pain, swelling, stiffness & bruising. The natural alternative to traditional topical medicines. Homeopathic.
Fast Relief for Muscle Pain & Stiffness.
#1-Selling Arnica Gel*
Clinically Proven Effective
Maximum Strength
Light Herbal Scent
The Natural Topical Pain Reliever: Pain relieving gel for bumps, bruises, sprains, sports injuries & over-exercising.
Arniflora® is a modern pharmaceutical preparation containing 8% tincture of Arnica montana. Arnica montana tincture is a medicine that has been used for centuries to relieve the aftereffects of falls, blows, sports injuries and overexertion. It makes black-and-blue marks go away faster and relieves the pain, swelling and stiffness caused by physical trauma. It is a favorite of athletes, coaches & trainers.
In addition to using Arnica to relieve pain and stiffness, some athletes use it as a preventative. Immediately after over-exercising or receiving a minor injury, they will apply Arnica Gel to ward off pain, stiffness and black-and-blue marks.
Clean, pleasant to use
Doesn’t burn or chill
Safe, no side-effects
No animal by-products
Nongreasy – absorbs quickly
No animal testing
No petroleum
Natural Homeopathic
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