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Organic Red Clover Blossoms | Red clover contains “isoflavones” which are changed in the body to “phytoestrogens” that are similar to the hormone estrogen. |
Wildcrafted Chaparral Leaf | Sabina is a medicine of lower abdomen that includes kidney, bladder, uterus, ovary, urethra and anus etc. It is called a hemorrhagic remedy as it acts on bleeding piles and uterine hemorrhage whether it is menorrhagia, metorrhagia or due to any other cause. Hemorrhage from kidney, bladder, urethra or anus also comes under its sphere of action. |
Organic Licorice Root | Licorice is used for various digestive system complaints including stomach ulcers, heartburn, colic, and ongoing inflammation of the lining of the stomach (chronic gastritis). |
Wildcrafted Poke Root | Phytolacca decandra is promoted in alternative medicine as a dietary supplement that can treat a wide range of maladies including mumps, arthritis and various skin conditions. While phytolacca decandra has been subject to laboratory research, there is no medical evidence that it has any beneficial effect on human health. |
Wildcrafted Oregon Grape Root | Oregon grape root is renowned among herbalists for its ability to stimulate liver function, improve the flow of bile, and for blood cleansing. Oregon grape root uses have traditionally included treating both liver congestion and infectious conditions of both the stomach and intestines. Another benefit of oregon grape root is its functioning as an antimicrobial |
Wildcrafted Stillingia Root | The ingredient wiki you are looking for is coming soon. Our research team is searching for the best possible description we can find. |
Wildcrafted Cascara Sagrada Bark | Cascara is used as a laxative for constipation, as well as a treatment for gallstones, liver ailments, and cancer. Some people use it as a “bitter tonic.” |
Sarsaparilla Root | Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis(RA), and kidney disease; for increasing urination to reduce fluid retention; and for increasing sweating. Sarsaparilla is also used along with conventional drugs for treating leprosy and for syphilis. |
Wildcrafted Prickly Ash Bark | For almost a hundred years it was an official medication in the United States and was recommended for rheumatism and a number of digestive disorders. |
Organic Buckthorn Bark | Buckthorn contains an ingredient called anthraquinone that may have cancer fighting properties. |
Wildcrafted Burdock Root | Burdock contains chemicals that might have activity against bacteria and inflammation. |
Wildcrafted Peach Leaf | Peaches, with their soft skin and sweet flesh, are a summertime staple. One of the largest fruit crops grown in the United States, peaches provide a great deal of nutrients with few calories and no fat. Peaches are a healthy way to fit in one of your daily servings of fruit. |
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