Female Tonic Formula — 100 CAP


Female Tonic Formula (Fematone) by Dr. Christopher 100 VegCap Female Tonic Formula contains Squaw vine Red Raspberry leaves Nettle leaves Dandelion Leaves Wild Yam Root Cramp Bark Chickweed Purple Dulse Leaves Vitex Berries Motherwort and Gingerroot. All encapsulated products are in a pure 100 vegetable based capsule.

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SKU: VP0103-01757 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Wildcrafted Squaw Vine HerbPeople take squawvine for anxiety, diarrhea, water retention (edema), low urine output,varicose veins, sleep problems (insomnia), congestive heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, severe diarrhea (chronic dysentery), and colitis.
Wildcrafted Red Raspberry LeafRed raspberry is a plant that is the source of a widely eaten, tasty, sweet berry. However, red raspberry fruit and leaf have also been used as medicine for centuries. The therapeutic use of raspberry leaf was first described in 1597 in a book called “The Herbal,” or “A General History of Plants.” Today, red raspberry leaf and fruit are still used as medicine.
Organic Nettle LeafCures Urinary tract infections
Organic Dandelion LeafDandelion contains chemicals that may increase urine production and decrease swelling (inflammation).
Wildcrafted Wild Yam RootThere are over 600 species of wild yam. Some species are grown specifically as a source of diosgenin for laboratories to use in making steroids. These species are generally not eaten due to a bitter flavor. Only about 12 of the 600 species are considered edible.
Wildcrafted Cramp BarkIt is called cramp bark as relieving this type of muscle tightness is most often associated with relieving women’s menstrual (period) cramps. However, this can also be used during pregnancy for cramps or pain and general muscle cramping.
Chickweed HerbStellaria media, chickweed, is a cool-season annual plant native to Europe, but naturalized in many parts of North America.
Organic Purple Dulse LeafThe ingredient wiki you are looking for is coming soon. Our research team is searching for the best possible description we can find.
Organic Chaste Tree BerryVitex agnus-castus seems to affect many hormones that regulate women’s reproductive cycles.
Wildcrafted Motherwort HerbMotherwort is used for heart conditions, including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, fast heartbeat, and heart symptoms due to anxiety. It is also used for the absence of menstrual periods, intestinal gas (flatulence), and over-active thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
Organic Ginger RootGinger is widely used throughout the world for treating loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting after surgery, nausea resulting from cancer treatment, flatulence, stomach upset, colic, morning sickness and motion sickness.

Female Tonic Formula (Fematone) by Dr. Christopher 100 VegCap Female Tonic Formula contains Squaw vine Red Raspberry leaves Nettle leaves Dandelion Leaves Wild Yam Root Cramp Bark Chickweed Purple Dulse Leaves Vitex Berries Motherwort and Gingerroot. All encapsulated products are in a pure 100 vegetable based capsule. This formula has been used historically as a tonic to help promote vitality strength energy balance and overall health of the female reproductive systems. It also helps increase the body’s ability to combat painful menstrual cycles indigestion nausea and discomfort due to pregnancy.


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