Herbal Calcium — 100 CAP


Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Calcium Capsule, alternatively referred to as Cal-Silica, Calc Tea or CA-T, is a natural herbal product with no artificial flavorings, sweeteners, or preservatives. This product is specifically designed to strengthen bones and includes herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients helping the body to absorb and retain calcium. The vitamin D present in the herbal composition is also needed for better calcium assimilation by the body.

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- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Organic Shavegrass HerbIt is also used for balding; tuberculosis; jaundice; hepatitis; brittle fingernails; joint diseases; gout; osteoarthritis; weak bones (osteoporosis); frostbite; weight loss; heavy menstrual periods; and uncontrolled bleeding (hemorrhage) of the nose, lung, or stomach.
Wildcrafted Nettle LeafStinging nettle or nettle is a plant. People use the root and above ground parts as medicine.
Wildcrafted & Organic Oatstraw HerbOats might help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and control appetite by causing a feeling of fullness. Oat bran might work by blocking the absorption from the gut of substances that contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Wildcrafted Lobelia HerbLobelia is used for breathing problems including asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, and shortness of breath (apnea) in newborn infants. Some people take lobelia as a sedative to help them relax. Other people use it to increase sweating.

Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Calcium Capsule, alternatively referred to as Cal-Silica, Calc Tea or CA-T, is a natural herbal product with no artificial flavorings, sweeteners, or preservatives. This product is specifically designed to strengthen bones and includes herbs that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients helping the body to absorb and retain calcium. The vitamin D present in the herbal composition is also needed for better calcium assimilation by the body. Dr. Christopher s formula is well-known for the following benefits: It provides the body with the necessary nutrients Strengthens the immune system Increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases Improves cardiovascular system Promotes the renewal of tissue and rapid wound healing Normalizes the state of the nervous system Improves the gastrointestinal tract Promotes the prevention of urolithiasis Provides nutritional support for the locomotor system Improves vitality and efficiency Why calcium is so important. Calcium is an essential element that forms the skeleton. In addition, it plays an important role in the work of muscles and a number of hormones. The need for calcium in children is very high: 800 mg / day for children 1-3 years old, 900-1000 mg for children 4-6 years old, 1100 mg – 7-10 years, and 1200 mg – 11 years and older. Low calcium intake or poor absorption may cause rickets, disorders in physical development, muscle weakness, and various hormonal disorders. In all these cases the lack of calcium in the diet must be replenished with preparations containing the necessary quantity of this element. The main natural sources of calcium are milk and dairy products. The lack of calcium will inevitably arise in people with lactose intolerance due to the lack of intestinal lactase– the enzyme digesting milk sugar–which leads to fermentation, swelling, and pain in the abdomen. A particular advantage of Herbal Calcium Capsule distinguishing it from…


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