Manukaguard Medical Grade Manuka Honey – 8.8 oz


Manuka Guard Medical Grade Manuka Honey is different from your ordinary honey because it’s made from 100% Manuka honey that has been sterilised with heat, giving it the medical grade quality. Manuka Guard Medical Grade Manuka Honey is the only honey that is unaffected by heat, light, lack of oxygen or the enzyme catalase.

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Manuka HoneyHoney has been used since ancient times to treat multiple conditions. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that researchers discovered that honey has natural antibacterial qualities.

Manuka Guard Medical Grade Manuka Honey is different from your ordinary honey because it’s made from 100% Manuka honey that has been sterilised with heat, giving it the medical grade quality. Manuka Guard Medical Grade Manuka Honey is the only honey that is unaffected by heat, light, lack of oxygen or the enzyme catalase.

Promoting its purity, strength and antibacterial properties, Manuka Guard Medical Grade Manuka Honey can naturally help soothe sore throat, enhance digestion, reduce the appearance of scars, eliminate skin infections and heal minor cuts and burns.

Soothes sore throat
Helps wound healing
Reduces the appearance of scars
Enhances digestion

Medical Grade Manuka Honey from ManukaGuard was founded by Gavin Gear in his early twenties. Many have relied upon medical grade honey and, in particular, the additional benefits of a native ingredient the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand have used for centuries.


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