Pure DHA — 90 SFG


DHA plays a vital role in how well a child’s brain can grow and function. Up to 60% of the human brain is built from, runs on, and is constructed by the Omega 3 family oils.

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SKU: VP0103-01704 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Vitamin ESome people use vitamin E for treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries, chest pain, heart attack, leg pain due to blocked arteries, and high blood pressure.
Vitamin AIf you don’t get enough vitamin A, you are more likely to get infectious diseases and vision problems.
Vitamin DVitamin D is also used for treating weak bones (osteoporosis), bone pain (osteomalacia), bone loss in people with a condition called hyperparathyroidism, and an inherited disease (osteogenesis imperfecta) in which the bones are especially brittle and easily broken.
DHAIncreased consumption of DHA in the diet is associated with a lower risk of developing vision loss due to aging.
EPATreating depression, when used with conventional antidepressants
Omega-3Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be beneficial for the heart.
Cod liver oilCod liver oil is used for high cholesterol, high triglycerides, kidney disease in people with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoarthritis, depression, anautoimmune disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), glaucoma, and middle ear infections (otitis media).
GelatinGelatin is used for weight loss and for treating osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and brittle bones (osteoporosis).
GlycerineSweetening and preserving food
Natural berry flavorNatural flavors are created from anything that can be eaten (i.e animals and vegetables), even if those edible things are processed in the lab to create flavorings.

DHA plays a vital role in how well a child’s brain can grow and function. Up to 60% of the human brain is built from, runs on, and is constructed by the Omega 3 family oils. DHA continues to be the vital nutrient within this family for supporting healthy brain function and development. Attention, focus, intelligence, and growth, create a healthy state of mind.


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