Ark Naturals Happy Traveler for Dogs and Cats – 75 Soft Chews


Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer For Cats and Dogs is formulated with the highest quality botanicals. Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer was designed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease anxiety and motion sickness.

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SKU: VU0101-00740 Categories: , , , Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

ValerianMay Help Improve Sleep and Restfulness
German ChamomileUsed to Treat Anxiety and Upset Stomach.
L-tryptophanUsed for anxiety
St. Johns WortMay Treat Depression and Improve Mood - Consult your Doctor Before Taking St. Johns Wort
Black Malt ExtractBlack malt provides the color and some of the flavor in black porter, contributing an acrid, ashy undertone to the taste. In small quantities, black malt can also be used to darken beer to a desired color, sometimes as a substitute for caramel color.
Flaxseed OilOmega-3 essential fatty acids, “good” fats that have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s. Recent studies have suggested that flaxseed may have a protective effect against breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.
GelatinSome people also use it for strengthening bones, joints, and fingernails. Gelatin is also used for improving hair quality and to shorten recovery after exercise and sports-related injury.
GlycerinGlycerin is what is called a humectant. Glycerin helps maintain the skin’s water balance on an intercellular level. Glycerin in lotions or other skin care products can help prevent or combat dry skin.
SaltIt is found as an ingredient in oral hygiene products (because of its ability to polish teeth, reduce oral odor), shampoos, fragrance, skin, hair, nail, cleansing, suntan, makeup and bath products.
WheyExcellent Source of Protein

Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer For Cats and Dogs is formulated with the highest quality botanicals. Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer was designed by a holistic veterinarian and PhD herbal scientist to ease anxiety and motion sickness. Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer is useful for separation anxiety, travel anxiety, to socialize a nervous or excitable pet into a new environment, during thunderstorms, fireworks, airline travel, visits to groomers, vets, and kennels. With your Vet’s approval, Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer helps your pet during recovery from surgery/injury by relaxing them to minimize chewing on bandages and sutures. Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer is non-habit forming. Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer contains no harmful side effects when used as directed.

Ark Naturals Happy Traveler Pet Calmer is recommended for:

Motion sickness
Visible nervous behavios
Pet seperation anxiety
Persistent “crying”
Fear of unfamiliar people and other pets
Inappropriate aggresive behavior
Visits to kennels, groomers and vets
Fear of thunderstorms & fireworks
Pets stressed when their daily routine is changed


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