Dog Anxiety & Stress — 4 OZ


A natural aid for stress-related symptoms: anxiety, restlessness, separation anxiety, panting, drooling, whining, fear of loud noises, aggression, cowering, hyperexcitability, listlessness, trembling, stress-licking.

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SKU: VP0103-03999 Categories: , Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

Aconitum NapellusIf used with care can be helpful for pain and joint relief
Apis MellificaApis has the ability to treat conditions such as allergies, angioneurotic oedema, arthritis, ascites, asthma, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, erysipelas and cellulitis, glomerulonephritis, headache and migraine, infertility, influenza, meningitis, nephrotic syndrome, pharyngitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, scarlet fever, shingles, and urticarial (hives).
Arnica MontanaArnica is applied to the skin for pain and swelling associated with bruises, aches, sprains, and arthritis.
Arsenicum AlbumArsenicum is a common remedy for both acute and chronic problems.
BelladonnaBelladonna is used as a sedative, to stop bronchial spasms in asthma and whooping cough, and as a cold and hay fever remedy.
Bellis PerennisBellis perennis is still used in homeopathy for wounds and after certain surgical procedures, as well as for blunt trauma in animals.
BryoniaBryonia is also used to treat stomach and intestinal diseases, lung diseases, arthritis, liver disease, and metabolic disorders; and to prevent infections.
Calendula OfficinalisOne of the best reasons to keep calendula handy is due to its healing abilities.
ChamomillaRoman Chamomile has a calming effect on the skin, mind, and body.
Cistus CanadensisCistus canadensis is sometimes applied directly to the skin for ulcers.
Clematis ErectaClematis Erecta has marked action on neuralgic pains.
Ferrum PhosphoricumHomeopathy practitioners may prescribe the herb remedy to patients with inflammatory diseases, low energy, chills, viral illnesses, anemia, or low fever.
Histaminum HydrochloricumHistaminum hydrochloricum is a homeopathic remedy that is commonly used to treat allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and muscle and joint pain.
Hypericum perforatumThis plant has been used as an herbal remedy for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Ignatia AmaraThe ignatia amara bean is used as a treatment for gout, epilepsy, cholera, and asthma.
Impatiens GlanduliferaGlandulifera is used as a garden ornamental and as a honey plant
Ornithogalum UmbellatumDespite serious safety concerns, people take star of Bethlehem for congestive heart failure (CHF).
Passiflora IncarnataNatural remedy for the relief of mild symptoms of mental stress
Prunus Cerasifera FlosThe plant is used in Bach flower remedies – the keywords for prescribing it are “Desperation”, “Fear of losing control of the mind” and “Dread of doing some frightful thing”.
PhosphorusThe health benefits of phosphorus include healthy bone formation, improved digestion, regulated excretion, protein formation, hormonal balance, improved energy extraction, cellular repair, optimized chemical reactions, and proper nutrient utilization.
Rhus ToxicodendronThe evidence is mixed regarding the effectiveness of Rhus toxicodendron as a treatment for arthritis.
SulphurSulphur is frequently used to treat skin eruptions that are itchy in nature and often moist.
Symphytum OfficinaleSymphytum officinale roots have been used in the traditional Balkan medicine internally (as tea or tincture) or externally (as ointment, compresses,or alcoholic digestion) for treatment of disorders of the locomotor system and gastrointestinal tract.
Veratrum AlbumVeratrum alb. or veratrum album is a homeopathic medication that is prescribed for patients suffering from melancholia, mania and epilepsy.

Homeopathic Remedy, a natural aid for stress-related symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, separation anxiety, panting, drooling, whining, fear of loud noises, aggression, cowering, hyper excitability, listlessness, trembling and stress-licking. Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals by King Bio is a 24 year old, USA based and FDA Registered, homeopathic pharmaceutical company. Our products are unique because we use multiple HPUS ingredients in multiple potencies, an average of 22 per product and we use a pure water base that is taste-free and odor-free. They are all natural and contain NO alcohol, NO sugar and NO glutens. Natural Pet remedies are safe and effective for your pets and easy to use. Just add a half capful every time you fill your pets water bowl to give your pet the consistent remedy they need.

All natural, homeopathic medicine for the relief of symptoms due to stress and anxiety
Easy to dose and easy to use, just add a half capful every time you fill your pets water bowl
Safe, Gentle, Pure and Effective
Taste-free and Odor-free, your pet won’t even know it’s there
No known negative side-effects or drug interactions

A natural aid for stress-related symptoms: anxiety, restlessness, separation anxiety, panting, drooling, whining, fear of loud noises, aggression, cowering, hyperexcitability, listlessness, trembling, stress-licking.


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