Herbal Calcium Formula — 2 OZ


Herbal Calcium by Dr. Christopher 2 oz Liquid Horsetail Comfrey Oatstraw and Lobelia. Labeled for external use due to comfrey . Calc Tea formula is a wonderful all natural calcium formula.

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SKU: VP0103-01769 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


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Wildcrafted Shavegrass HerbIt is also used for balding; tuberculosis; jaundice; hepatitis; brittle fingernails; joint diseases; gout; osteoarthritis; weak bones (osteoporosis); frostbite; weight loss; heavy menstrual periods; and uncontrolled bleeding (hemorrhage) of the nose, lung, or stomach.
Organic Nettle LeafCures Joint ailments
Organic Oatstraw HerbOats might help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and control appetite by causing a feeling of fullness. Oat bran might work by blocking the absorption from the gut of substances that contribute to heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Wildcrafted Lobelia HerbLobelia is used for breathing problems including asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, and shortness of breath (apnea) in newborn infants. Some people take lobelia as a sedative to help them relax. Other people use it to increase sweating.

Herbal Calcium by Dr. Christopher 2 oz Liquid Horsetail Comfrey Oatstraw and Lobelia. Labeled for external use due to comfrey . Calc Tea formula is a wonderful all natural calcium formula. As explained in the book Biological Transmutations the silica in horsetail grass converts to calcium. The other herbs work in close conjunction with this master calcium herb. We need calcium to build strong nerve sheaths vein and artery walls bones teeth etc. This combination is helpful for cramps Charlie horses successful pregnancies healthy bones teeth hair skin and nails healthy eyes and for all calcium needs in the body Available in bulk cut and powder.


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