Leg Veins — 60 CAP


Nature’s Way Leg Veins with Tru-OPC’s, with Tru-OPC’s, represents the powerful synergy of current scientific and traditional herbal medicine.

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SKU: VP0103-05930 Category: Be sure to check out the details on all the ingredients in the NutraWiki site! This exciting new concept saves you the time and effort of having to investigate what is actually IN each product! By connecting to all the information about the product and the ingredients, the NutraWiki will save you HOURS of research and will help you make better buying decision for both your health and our planet! Check out the NutraWiki today!


- Click on any Ingredient below to learn more about it at NutraWiki

CarbohydrateCarbohydrates are one of the main types of nutrients. They are the most important source of energy for your body.
Vitamin CVitamin C is an antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables. It is important for your skin, bones, and connective tissue. It promotes healing and helps the body absorb iron.
Horse ChestnutHorse chestnut leaf is used for eczema, menstrual pain, soft tissue swelling from bone fracture and sprains, cough, arthritis, and joint pain.
DandelionDandelion is used for loss of appetite, upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and bruises. Dandelion is also used to increase urine production and as a laxative to increase bowel movements. It is also used as skin toner, blood tonic, and digestive tonic.
Butcher'S BroomButcher’s broom is said to cause blood vessels to constrict and narrow. This may improve blood circulation in the legs by preventing blood from pooling in the veins.
Cayenne PepperUsed for various problems with digestion including upset stomach, intestinal gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, and cramps.
Prickly AshImproved circulation can help to relieve the aches associated with arthritis and rheumatism.
Grape SeedGrape seeds have a high concentration of Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs. These compounds can also be found in lower concentrations in the skin of the grape.
CelluloseCellulose provides structure and strength to the cell walls of plants and provides fiber in our diets. Although some animals, such as ruminants, can digest cellulose, humans cannot.
Magnesium StearateMagnesium stearate is often used as an anti-adherent in the manufacture of medical tablets, capsules and powders.

Nature’s Way Leg Veins with Tru-OPC’s, with Tru-OPC’s, represents the powerful synergy of current scientific and traditional herbal medicine. Nature’s Way Leg Veins with Tru-OPC’s other key ingredients include Horsechestnut Extract. Leg Veins Formula uses Tru-OPC’s to protect and strengthen collagen for healthy vascular walls. Horse Chestnut Extract to provide Aescin which has been shown to support healthy circulation in the lower legs. Vitamin C for additional collagen support, and vascular support herbs, traditionally used for micro-circulation.


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