The Macro Greens story:
A nutritional supplement that tastes great and is easy to prepare, Macro Greens was created in 1996 by fitness expert Sylvia Ortiz to help her son lose weight and regain his health; and since its introduction has become one of the most popular products in the rapidly growing nutritional supplements market.
The Miracle Reds story:
It wasn’t easy, but we did it! At MacroLife Naturals Inc., we are dedicated to bringing the unique tastes and proven health benefits of nature’s amazing fruits to you. Miracle Reds is more than a fruit blend; it is an advanced, non-allergenic, proprietary blend of nutrient-rich, anti-aging anti-oxidants, polyphenols and heart-friendly plant sterols.
All ingredients that make up every MacroLife Natural product are natural, organic, vegan, gluten free and raw. There are also no GMO products used in any MacroLife Naturals product. The formulas were meticulously created and tested for optimum health enhancement. MacroLife Naturals is the original Greens supplement, created in 1997.
About Our Founders
Nutrition, health and fitness expert Sylvia Ortiz and leading chiropractor Dr. Edward Wagner created great tasting Miracle Reds and Macro Greens as comprehensive nutritional supplements that provide nutrients, minerals, and energy.